Happy Easter! You're Going To Hell

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me." (John 14:6) There are no translational issues with this passage. It is unequivocal. If you wish to worship a twig, a rock, a golden calf, a professional athlete or a pedophile you can; just clearly understand you will be spending eternity in hell.

"So  Pastor Mike, how bad can hell really be? Why would a loving God allow it?" OK, in order for God to be THE sovereign in the universe he has to control EVERYTHING in the universe, down to the last molecule. Having said that, God can control hell without being present in hell. In fact, hell is the absence of God. James 1:17 tells us that "every good and perfect thing is from above."

Thus, only God can make good things. there is nothing good in hell. Take a deep breath. Like being able to breathe? That is a good thing that ONLY comes from God. In hell you are in a constant state of suffocation in addition to your other miseries. Speaking of hellish miseries, we know from scripture that hell is in the approximate center of the Earth. (Interestingly, ground penetrating radar has discovered a large cavity towards the Earth's  center.) The temperature at the Earth's core is estimated at about 11,000 F. "But Pastor Mike, that temperature would incinerate flesh and bone." Yep, but our earthly bodies are mere containers for our eternal souls. The energy that our soul is made of, and which science is only barely beginning to understand, can tolerate any temperature it is exposed to. Stop and consider that for a moment. You will be burning at eleven thousand degrees for all of eternity.......all because you stupidly rejected Jesus.

Because of Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit, we are all condemned sinners who are only worthy of eternal death. Thanks to God's grace and Jesus' suffering we can receive a pardon for our sins. To do this we must believe in God/Jesus, ask him into our lives, repent for our past and continuing sin and have a necessary change of heart in our behavior. Can you do this? You MUST, or else. Christians talk about loving our "brothers". We love everyone, not just other Christians partly because we do not want anyone subject to eternal horrific suffering.

Why would a loving God make our suffering eternal? Because God is eternal and when you sin, you sin against God. You play, you pay......forever and ever Amen.

Non Christian? Find a Bible believing conservative church that preaches TRUE gospel, not a false, politically correct one. This will take some doing as most of today's major Christian denominations are corrupt. Keep at it though, your eternal future depends on it. 

Christian? Do not be afraid to evangelize. When I try to introduce people to Jesus, I usually get looked at like I've got a third eyeball growing out of my forehead....or get rejected for not "appearing Christian enough." Plenty of people who appear to be Christian and get involved with ministry do things like nail young boys in the ass, but hey, as long as they "appear Christian" that is OK.....not. Do not let other's criticism prevent you from getting out there and trying to get people to know and love Jesus. 

Jesus really does love you. He endured terrible suffering in order to pay the price for YOUR sins. Remember that this Sunday and every day.


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